Websploit Directory Scanner – Scanning webserver directories

In the next few tutorials I will explain how to use the different Websploit modules. WebSploit is an open source project for web application assessments. In this tutorial we will be using the websploit directory scanner module and we will add some custom directories. Websploit directory scanner is a script which scans webservers for directories listed in the script and tells you they exist or not.
Due to many errors generated by the script, mostly 400 Bad Request errors on existing directories, I have edited the script. the issues causing the 400 Bad Request errors have been fixed now. I’ve also added a verbosity option so you can choose whether you just want to see existing directories or errors too. Code 302 Found is coloured green now instead of yellow. The new script can be downloaded here (save as):

Replace the script in the following directory in Kali Linux:

Websploit Directory Scanner

Let’s open a terminal and start Websploit with the following command:
Websploit start
Use the following command to view the list of available Websploit modules:
show modules
Websploit Modules
Module web/dir_scanner scans the target for common web directories. Use the following command to set web/dir_scanner:
use web/dir_scanner
Use the following command to show available options for the used module:
show options
Websploit show options
Use the following command to set the target:
set target [url]
And the following command to set the verbosity level:
set verbosity 1
Verbosity 0 = Show found directories (302 found and 200) only
Verbosity 1 = Show all
Now type Run to run the module against the selected target:
Websploit run directory scanner

Adding custom directories to Websploit Directory Scanner

Open the following file:
Add your directories to the following lines:
websploit directory Scanner custom dirs
Make sure you use this format: ‘/wp-admin/’,


